Our Value to Founders
Unparalelled Market Insight
Laser focus on regional Edtech
International expertise coupled with local knowledge
Strong impact-driven thesis
Access to Harvard, Stanford, 500 Startups, OnDeck and others
MENA, US, and UK presence
Strong awareness of the regional challenges
Industry leading mentors & experts through StartEd
Fast-track to AWS EdStart
Research-backed peak performance coaching for founders’ wellbeing
Fast-track membership of global education networks (e.g. HundrED, Edinno, Project FoundEd, Impact Hub)
Fundraising & Customer Acceleration
Strategic positioning & access via global education summit (RewirEd)
Networks of 40+ Global Education, Program Partners and VCs
C-level customers via global networks (YPO/EO/AVPN/IDG)
MENA Edtech Testbed for POC
Premium Advisor
Partners have 100+ years launching and operating startups.
Optimized venture studios, incubators, accelerators support services
Experienced in Venture studio operations and advisory at Entangled Ventures